Check out a toolset for managing and controlling the work of microcontrollers from your personal computer. Work with the options for boot loading access and configuration, and upgrade Atmel ATMega devices via MCU RS232 ports. Run custom debugging sessions.
MegaLoad is a Windows based boot loader for all Atmel ATMega microcontrollers that support the Bootloader function. MegaLoad is a solution for everybody who wants fast loading (~8k in 3 seconds) and easy software upgrade via MCU RS232 port.
Main features:
- support device larger than 128k flash
- Small Bootloader code. Only 256 words if only flash program is need (512 word if flash & EEPROM)
- Only embedded requirement is RS232 connector like a MAX232.
- Communicates at 9600,19200,38400,57600,115200bps on Com1 to 20
- Simple Monitor window is available to help you to debug your code
- Checksum everywhere to secure data
- Automatic page retry, if error in flash programming
- Automatic byte retry, if error in EEPROM programming
- Manual set & clear DTR,RTS if need.
- Reset button
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